Monday, February 15, 2010

Internet Dating

Welcome to my very first blog.  As some of you would know, I have started internet dating as a bit of a social experiment.  A friend of mine believes that there are quality men to be found online, men who are busy professionals who just don't have time to meet women through the ordinary channels.  Now, I am not entirely convinced that this is true, but being the true Sagittarius that I am, I decided it was worth the adventure to find out. 

The internet dating world is actually really interesting - first you spend all this time trying to figure out how to describe yourself, even asking others how they'd describe you, checking out the 'competition' to see what they are writing about themselves, deciding what photos to display.  And then, well you find out that most men don't actually READ your profile.  In fact, I dont recall speaking to a single man who actually had!  When it came to a photo, I decided some experimentation was in order and changed the profile pic over a few days, trying out my favourite three photos.  Now, here's the really interesting thing: the photo that seems to have attracted the most interest from men is actually the photo with the least make up.  In fact, I barely got any interest from men with the other two photos that I'd put up.

At first there seemed like an incredible amount of men, which means an incredible amount of choice so here's what I've been screening out:
  • Single dads (nothing against them, but right now, I'm at a point in my life where I'm just not willing to play second fiddle from the very beginning to someone else's child);
  • The very obviously desperate;
  • Profiles with very little information in them;
  • Profiles with photos that don't look like much thought has been put into them;
  • Profiles with cliches (looking for that 'lucky lady', the special someone, walking on the beach blah blah blah)
  • Profiles where they've uploaded photos of them with a 'niece' or 'nephew' or brother's girlfriend's cousin's aunt's dog's sister's cousin's daughter's step child - clearly a clever tactic 
  • Men who look like they've got little substance other than the usual boy stuff
And so on.

What I'm really looking for is this: what makes you different to the other men on here? What is so good about you that makes it so compelling that will make me really want to get to know you?

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