Monday, September 20, 2010

God damn you're beautiful

September has proven to be just as exciting with my Sydney Boy as it always is.  Perhaps the sweetest thing my Sydney Boy has done this month is call and dedicate another song to me on the radio.

He came home from work one night and raced to put the radio on which I thought was a little odd for him as he usually turns the Tv on instead.  I had an assignment due so I was sitting on the couch madly writing it while dinner was cooking on the stove.  He finished dinner off and served it while I was working on my assignment, and then he put the radio on his phone and went into the bathroom and began to run the bathwater for our nightly bath together.  By this time I was sitting at the table eating dinner, but he must have been worried I'd miss it at one point because he went into the bathroom and brought his phone to the table.  I was a little suspicious, but still wasn't entirely sure what he was up to.

And then I heard it, he was on the radio.  He said that I mean the world to him, that he was so happy to be with me.  I wish I could remember the rest of what he'd said.  I wish I'd recorded all of this earlier.  And he had dedicated the most beautiful song I have ever heard, just for me, and I fell so much more for him than I had before.

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