Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I won, I won, I won.

Well, it's not exactly the lottery and I usually can't even win a meat tray at the pub, but I did win something far more exciting than that (the meat tray, not the lottery... unless it's only a couple bucks...)... My good friend Athena has awarded me a "Versatile Blogger" award. Versatile - an awesome word. V.E.R.S.A.T.I.L.E. which means accomplished, multifaceted, resourceful, functional, adaptable, dexterous, ingenious..

So, a big THANK YOU to the gorgeous Athena for thinking of me :)

Here's how this award works:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Make sure you contact these bloggers to let them know about the award.

Now, 7 things about me:

  1. I have a really dry sense of humour, sometimes in the most inappropriate situations...
  2. I hate the heat and feel humidity quickly, always have apparently - give me a colder climate any day... (currently writing this blog in front of the air cooler thingy that doesn't seem to be making the air any cooler...)
  3. I'm a book worm - always have been.  I used to get in trouble for not doing my chores because I'd be so wrapped up in my book, that my "I'll do it after I finish this page/chapter" soon would turn into 3 chapters and I'd still be there...
  4. When I was in primary school, I tried my hand at the violin.  I discovered that I am not in any shape or form musically inclined and no amount of practice could ever change that.  My first example that sometimes practice does not make perfect...  
  5. I'm a girly girl - I love my pink (but don't go overboard with it), I love my handbags and my jewellery...
  6. Because of this, I get acrylic nails every 2 weeks because I can't help but chew my nails.  It drives my mother nuts.
  7. I love having photos of family and friends displayed around my house.
Now for the fun part - picking other bloggers worthy of such an award.  I know I'm meant to choose 15, but I don't even read 15 blogs!!! LOL So I shall instead just list the ones I do love to read here instead...:

Miss B, if you read this, I haven't included yours here only because I didn't know if you'd want me plugging it or not... If you do, let me know and I shall add it xoxox

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