Monday, September 20, 2010

Does it get much better than this?

He cooks.

He cleans.

He's affectionate.

He makes me laugh.

He surprises me all the time, random things, thoughtful things.

We have not had one single argument or disagreement in the entire time we have been together.

He does thoughtful things like making sure there is food in the freezer to heat up when he's not here, so I don't have to cook, or forget to eat, or eat junk because it's easier to make for just me.

When I'm down, he's bought me flowers, or left me cute messages.

He supports me in whatever way he can.

He inspires me to be better and to do better.

He says and does sweet and caring things.

He says what he means, and means what he says.

He tells me I'm beautiful and sexy, even when I don't feel like I am.

All that he does and says makes me feel like he wants me, loves me, adores me. As if I'm the most wonderful beautiful intelligent woman who has set foot on this earth.  Maybe I'm not any of things but to him, I am.

He misses me when I'm not there.

When he looks at me, I can see the affection in his eyes.

He includes me in his life.  He wants me to be part of it.  He doesn't want me to not be part of it.

He is taking me to Fiji for my birthday this year.  The trip has now been booked and paid for.

He is mine.  I am his.


  1. You should get your man to do 'support groups'. I think he would teach my husband a thing or two :)

  2. I agree with Kazza! You deserve all the best hun, you're worth it. (and thanks for your comment on my blog)
